Friday, 9 March 2012

Music, Rap and Positivity

Music is food to the soul, and you have to admit for some people it gives healing, empowerment, beauty and strength. I love to look around me and find new fields of positivity. Had a few Youtube videos sent to me from a promising rapper who's challenged but still has such great mental potentiality! Now I totally love rap and sometimes it's not all about delivery, but the words and what they speak into your soul!

Lilblaze is a rapper with a vision and there're many who have that so what makes him so different? It'll take watching his videos to really understand and I hope you take the time to do that, leave a great comment and subscribe!!

I think of Cobhams, the talented Nigerian producer and musician who's making waves all over and I have to keep reminding myself that he's blind. I first saw him perform with a guitar on a breakfast show on NTA being interviewed by Marian Arthur Anazodo and even then I knew he had great things coming. What I saw that day in him I see in Lilblaze: the beautiful spark that promises future brilliance and I couldn't wait to share it today! It was gratifying to see Cobhams on CNN, and hearing Nigeria being called the "music capital of Africa". Now that is something positive and to be proud of!

There are so many opportunities out there but the music and rap industry is one place that lets everybody shine no matter what. So long as you've got the talent, dedication and the ability to dream big and never look back then you're sure to shine! I love seeing people go beyond their natural limits and do well for themselves. @lilblazej inspires me a lot and I enjoy thinking how proud I'll be when he gets a signing and people everywhere can enjoy his brand of rap music.

Not everyone is going to believe in you. And they'll certainly never have a good word to say about your music, talent or dreams. But that's not going to stop you, will it? I'd like to end with a few lines from @lilblazej 's Timmy's Story lyrics and I hope they empower you today as they do me:

I feel lonely, I never found anyone
That didn't let me down
But I have to bear my cross
To get my crown...

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